● Precipitation
○ Stir the 2 reactants with H20
○ Heat to form precipitate
○ Wash precipitate to remove impurities
○ Dab dry
● Reaction with acids
○ Fill the beaker with H2SO4 then add excess Zn powder until it dissolves. No more H2
○ Filter to remove unreacted Zinc powder
○ Take filtrate and heat to concentrate salt
○ Heat till crystallization point, test vy dipping a cold glass rod in filtrate. Stop heating when
crystals form on the rod(solution is saturated)
○ Cool solution for crystallization and filter to collect crystals
○ Wash and dry with filter paper and distilled water
● Solubility for reaction(acid+metal)
○ K, Na, Ca → very reactive, too dangerous to react with acids
○ Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Pb → Suitable and moderately reactive
○ Cu, Ag → too unreactive
● Titration
○ Apparatus: pipette, burette, conical flask
○ Pipette the base into the conical flask
○ Add indicator(phenolphthalein) to see exactly how much acid and base is present
○ Run acid from burette into conical flask drop by drop
○ Till end/neutralisation point(observe indicator)
○ Repeat without indicator with precise amounts for purity of product
○ Heat, saturate, crystallize, cool, wash, dry