Behaviour of metals
Physical properties of metals
Good conductors of heat and electricity
High density
Malleable and ductile
Usually solid at room temperature
Sonorous (makes bell-like sounds when struck)
Chemical properties of metals
The chemistry of metals is studied by analysis their reactions with water, dilute acid and oxygen
Based on those reactions, a reactivity series of metals can be produced
Reactivity with water
Some metals react with water, either warm or cold or with steam
Metals that react with cold water form a metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas
For example, Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2
Metals reacting with steam form metal oxide and hydrogen gas
For example, Zn + H2O → ZnO + H2
Reactivity with acids
Most metals react with dilute acids such as HCl
When acids and metals react, the hydrogen atom in the acid is replace by the metal atom to
produce a salt and hydrogen gas
For example, Fe + 2HCl → FeCl2 + H2
Reactivity with oxygen
Unreactive metals such as gold and copper do not react with acids
Some reactive metals such as alkali metals react with oxygen
Copper and iron can also react with oxygen although much more slowly
When metals react with oxygen, a metal oxide is formed for example copper
For example, 2Cu + O2 → 2CuO
An alloy is a mixture of 2 or more metals or a metal and a nonmetal
Alloys often have properties that can be very difficult to the metals they contain, for example
they can have more strength, hardness or resistance to corrosion or extreme temperatures
Alloys contain atoms of different sizes, which distorts the normally regular arrangements of
atoms in metals
This makes it more difficult for the laters to slide over each other, so alloys are usually much
harder than the pure metal
Common alloys
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and is much stronger than either metal
Alloys of iron with tungsten are extremely hard and resistant to high temperatures
Alloys of iron mixed with chromium or nickel are resistant to corrosion
Aluminium is mixed with copper, manganese and silicon for aircraft body production as the alloy
is stronger but still has a low density
Reactivity series
The chemistry of the metals is studied by analyzing their reaction with water dilute acid and
Based on these reaction a reactivity series of metals can be produced
The series can be used to place a group if metals in order of reactivity based on the observation
of their reactions with water, acid and oxygen
Reactivity series
Potassium , sodium , lithium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, carbon, zinc, iron, tin, lead,
hydrogen, copper, silver gold and platinum
Reactions with aqueous ions and oxides
The reactivity of metals increases going up the reactivity series
This means that a more reactive metal can displace a less reactive metal from its oxide by
As magnesium is above copper in the reactivity series, magnesium is more reactive so can
displace copper
CuO + Mg → Cu + MgO
Displacement reactions between metals and aqueous solutions of metal salts
Any metal will displace another metal that is below it in the reactivity series
This is because more reactive metals lose electrons and form ions more readily than less
reactive metals making them better reducing agents.
The less reactive metal is a better electron acceptor than the more reactive metal thus the less
reactive metal is reduced
Zn + CuSO4 (aq) → ZnSO4 (aq) + Cu
Thermal decomposition reactions
Compounds decompose or breakdown when they are heated to sufficiently high temperatures
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
Thermal decomposition of metal hydroxides
Most metal hydroxides undergo thermal decomposition
Water and the corresponding metal oxide are products formed
Zn(OH)2 → ZnO + H2O
Thermal decomposition of metal carbonates
The metal oxide and carbon dioxide are the products formed
MgCO3 → MgO + CO2
Group 1 carbonates do not decompose when heated due to high thermal stability
Thermal decomposition of metal nitrates
Group 1 nitrates decompose forming the metal nitrite and oxygen
2NaNO3 → 2NaNO2 + O2
Other metal nitrates decompose to form metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen
2Cu(NO3)2 → 2CuO + 4NO2 + O2
Aluminium although placed high in reactivity series does not react with oxygen because the surface of
aluminium reacts with oxygen in air to form a protective coating of aluminium oxide
It is tough, unreactive and corrosion resistant therefore prevents aluminium from reacting with water