Different economic systems
● Planned economic system
○ An economic system where the government makes the crucial decisions, land and capital are
state owned and resources are allocated by directives.
○ It is an economy where the government makes all the decisions about what to produce, how
and who. The state owns all or most of the land and capital and employs workers
○ Government gives directives to state-owned enterprises(SOE’s) on what to produce and how to
produce it
○ It usually is made for basic necessities and important products like housing, transport and
education, free of cost or at a low price
● Mixed economy system
○ An economy in which both the private and public sectors play an important role
● Market economy system
○ An economic system where consumers determine what is produced, resources are allocated by
price mechanism and land and capital are privately owned.
○ In the market economic system, government intervention is minimum. Land and capital are
privately owned. Private sector firms decide how to produce the products
● Free enterprise economy
○ An economy which operates a market economic system is known as a market economy or a
free enterprise economy
○ It is one in which buyers/consumers determine what is produced. They signal their preferences
to sellers through price mechanism
● Price mechanism → the way the decisions made by households and firms interact to decide the
allocation of resources
● Some firms use large amounts of capital relative to labour. These are capital-intensive(use of high
proportion of capital to labour)
● Others for e.g. hotels require more labour, therefore they are labour intensive(the use of high proportion
of labour relative to capital)
● Demand → the willingness and ability to buy a product
● Supply → the willingness and ability to sell a product
● Market equilibrium → a situation where demand and supply are equal at the current price
● Market disequilibrium → a situation where demand and supply are not equal at the current market price
● Price increases if demand increases or supply decreases
● Demand
○ The willingness and ability to buy a product
○ Demand and price are inversely proportional
○ If the price rises, the willingness and ability to buy that product falls
● Market demand → total demand for a product