Describing motion
Distance traveled by an object in unit time
Speed = d/t
Measures m/s or km/hr or mph(miles per hour)
Gradient of distance-time graph
Average speed
Total distance/ Total time
S.I = m/s
Velocity equals to displacement upon time
V= D/t
The rate if change of an object’s velocity
Acceleration = change in velocity / time taken
A = v- u/t
Gradient of speed time graph
Distance= Speed x time
Displacement= Object’s overall change in position
km/hr → m/s (x 5/18)
m/s → km/hr (x 18/5)
Properties of distance-time graph
A horizontal line means object is
A straight line means constant speed
If the gradient increases the object is
speeding up(accelerating)
If the gradient decreases the object is
slowing down (decelerating)
If the line is going down, the object is
moving backwards
The speed of an object is given by the
gradient of the line
Uniform motion
Constant speed/ fixed rate
Object travels equal distance
Non-uniform motion
Unequal distance
Unequal time
Velocity time graph
You can find the acceleration
It shows how the velocity(or speed) of an object
changes overtime
If the line is horizontal, it is constant (no
If the line slopes upwards then the object is
accelerating(speeding up)
If the line goes down then the object is
decelerating(slowing down)
Deceleration = Negative acceleration
Calculating distance
The distance traveled can be found from the area beneath the graph
If the area beneath the graph forms triangle (the object is accelerating or decelerating) then the
area can be determined by ½ x base x height
If the area beneath the graph is a rectangle (constant velocity) then the area can be determined
using the formula → area = l x b
The acceleration of an object is given by the gradient of the graph → Gradient = y2-y1/x2-x1
Lines that slope downwards have negative gradients and so can be said to have negative
acceleration or deceleration
If the gradient of the line changes then the acceleration of the body must be changing.
A line with constant gradient represents constant acceleration(linear motion)
A curved line represents changing accelerating either decreasing(if gradient gets smaller) or
increasing(if gradient gets bigger)
Free fall
In the absence of air resistance,all objects will fall with the same acceleration regardless of their
This acceleration is equal to the gravitational field strength and is approximately 10m/s2 near
the earth’s surface
So as long as the air resistance remains insignificant, the speed of a falling object will increase
at a steady rate, getting larger the longer it falls for
Final acceleration = final gradient = rise/run