● Biomass
○ The energy produced from the dead organic matter or dead plants and animal parts
○ Wood, leaf parts and crop residue
Abundant/easily available
Not clean(carbon dioxide and monoxide) produced
Large amount of space needed
Not as efficient as fossil fuels
● Tidal
○ Form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of power
○ During high tide, the water flows into the dam.
Cost of construction is high
Doesn’t produce greenhouse gases
Tidal waves are predictable
More efficient than coal, solar or wind
Influences aquatic life adversely, can disrupt
Cost of construction is high but maintenance is
Generates only twice a day
Energy density is higher than other
Frozen sea, low or weak tides
Expensive as produced at far away places than
● Geothermal
○ Deep underground, the Earth’s rocks are very hot. We can turn their heat energy into
electrical energy
■ Cold water is pumped below the ground
■ Hot rocks heat the water turning it to steam