Energy transformations and energy transfers
Energy is the capacity of something to do work
Law of conservation of energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another
Types of energy / energy stores
Elastic energy
Energy stored in a compressed material is called elastic energy
Internal energy
It is the energy of a substance due to the kinetic energy or movement of its particles
Highest in gases
Chemical energy
The energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules in an object and it is released in
chemical reaction
Nuclear energy
Energy released from nucleus of an atom
Nuclear fission
The splitting up of heavier nucleus into 2 or more lighter nuclei and releases a large
amount of heat energy
Working principle of atom bomb
Fission Uranium + neutron Barium + krypton + 3 neutrons + heat
Nuclear fusion
The process combining 2 or more lighter nuclei to form a heavier nucleus and
release a large amount of nuclear energy
Working principle of hydrogen
Fusion Hydrogen nucleus + hydrogen Helium + heat/light energy
Gravitational Potential energy(GPE)
Energy something gains when you lift an object up and loses when it falls
G.P.E weight x height or mass x height x gravity
Higher the object from the ground, the more the GPE
Kinetic energy
The energy of a moving object / energy possessed by an object due to its movement or
K.E ½ x mass x velocity^2
Mass = 2K.E/ V^2
Velocity = 2K.E/mass
Types of energy transfers
Light energy
Light is an electromagnetic radiation
Speed of light is 3 x 10^8
Thermal/ heat energy
Energy transferred between 2 objects at different temperatures
It is not continued within the object, it is transferred between 2 objects.
Electrical energy
It is produced by the flow of electrons
It is a type of energy transfer
Sound energy
It requests a medium to propagate(transmit)
Produced by vibration of objects
Energy can be transferred through 4 ways
When a force acts on a body, energy can be transferred between 2 forms
Internal energy can be transferred from place to place by the processes of
conduction, convection and thermal radiation
Light and sound carry energy therefore can transfer it between places
(electromagnetic radiation)
Electricity can transfer energy from a power source, delivering it to components
within a circuit
Chemical energy K.E +G.P.E + heat energy + sound energy
Elastic energy Electrical + thermal energy/ Sound + thermal energy
In any conversion, the total amount of energy before and after the conversion is constant
Sankey diagram
It is used to show energy transfer
It is used to show how much input energy is being used and how much is actually being
The thicker the line, the more the energy
The efficiency of a system is the percentage of energy transferred from the original
store that ends up in the intended form
Efficiency Useful energy output/ Total energy input x 100
In percentage
Generator / Turbine
Mechanical mechanical + electricity
Thermal power plant
Chemical thermal mechanical electrical
Nuclear reaction
Nuclear thermal mechanical electrical
Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Electrical