Forces and Motion
Force is a push or pull of an object
S.I unit is Newton
Force = mass x acceleration / F= ma
Effects of forces
It can change the speed of an object
It can change the shape of an object
It can change the direction of motion of an object
It can make a moving object stop
It can make an object move
Force causing movement/displacement
W= mass x gravity(10g) x height/ W=mgh
Weight of an object is the pull of gravity on it
Friction opposes the motion
Upthrust is the upward push of a liquid or gas on an object
Balanced force
Resultant force= 0
2 equal forces acting in opposite directions
Same state of rest or motion
Unbalanced force
Resultant force is not 0, object will either accelerate or decelerate
If 2 or more forces are unbalanced, the resultant force is not 0
Newton first law of motion
Everybody continues its state of rest or state of motion unless it is compelled by an
external force
Rest tendency of an object to continue the same state of rest
Motion tendency of an object to continue the same state of motion
The more mass on an object, the greater the inertia
If the bus accelerates suddenly, the passengers fall backwards
Bus stops abruptly, the passengers lurch forward
When the cardboard is flicked, the coin falls into the glass because inertia of the coin
maintains its state at rest and it falls into the glass due to gravity
The force of attraction on an object to the centre of Earth
The amount of matter contained in an object
Mass x acceleration due to gravity
W= mg
W= mass x gravity
Newton's Second law of motion
The rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the applied force
u= initial velocity
v= final velocity
t= time taken
It is the product of mass and velocity (kgm/s)
Momentum(P1) mass x u = mu
Momentum(P2) mass x v = mv
Change in momentum = mv - mu or m(v-u)
Rate of change of momentum= m(v-u)/t or Impulse/ t
It is the rate of change of velocity
A = (v-u)/t
A= force/mass
Acceleration and mass are inversely proportional
Product of force and time or change in momentum of a large force acting in short interval
of time
Impulse = Ft or m(v-u)
S.I unit Ns
Law of conservation of momentum
When 2 objects interact the total momentum before collision is equal to the momentum
after collision
Momentum after collision is equal to the momentum after collision
Newton's 3rd Law of motion
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Action and reaction are forces that acts on different objects
Hit tennis ball with racquet, the force on the ball due to the racquet is the same as the
force in the racquet but the more in different direction
When you swim, and push back the water, you move forward the same amount
Scaler and Vector quantities
Only magnitude
E.g mass, distance, speed, time etc.
Direction and magnitude
E.g Acceleration, force, weight etc.
Rules for vector addition
Draw arrows end to end
Choose a scale that gives a large triangle
Join the start of the first arrow to the end of the last arrow to find the resultant
Adding forces
2 forces acting in same direction
Add them
2 forces acting in the opposite direction
Subtract them
2 forces perpendicular to each other
Use pythagoras theorem
Forces that do not act in the same straight line
- Not in Portion -