● Micrometer screw gauge
○ Method
■ Turn the barrel until the jaws just tighten on the object. Using the friction clutch
ensures just the right pressure
■ Read the main scale to the nearest .5 mm
■ Read additional fraction of a millimeter from the fractional scale
● Zero Error
○ Negative zero error
■ Zero is over
■ Add from total value
○ Positive zero error
■ Zero is under
■ Subtract from total value
● Density of an irregularly shaped object that floats
○ Find mass(m) of the object with the help of beam balance and note it down
○ Pour water into graduated cylinder and record the volume of water(Vw)
○ Tie sinker with a thread and lower it into the container. Record new volume(V1)
○ Attach the sinker to the object with a thread and lower both into the container. Record
new volume(V2)
○ Volume of sinker = V1 - Vw
○ Volume of sinker and object = V2 - Vw
○ Volume of object = (V2 - Vw) - (V1 -Vw)
= V2 - V1
● Types of clocks
○ Digital clock
■ It gives direct reading of time in numerals.
■ Eg. 23.45 sec
○ Analogue clock
■ Traditional clock whose hands move around the clock face. Find time by looking at
where the hands are pointing to.
● An oscillation is the repetitive movement of an object
● Time taken to make one complete oscillation is called the period of oscillation
● Amplitude is the maximum displacement of a pendulum from its mean position
● Time period(T) = 2
π 𝑙/𝑔