Static electricity
Protons and neutron are collectively called nucleons
Types of charges
Positive +
Negative -
Opposite charges attract each other while same charges repel each other
Law of charges
Like charges repel each other
Unlike charges attract each other
An object is grounded when connected to the earth through a connecting wire
Object loses all its charge
Symbol for grounding -
Methods of charging a body
Charging by friction
When insulators are rubbed together, one gives up electrons and becomes positive
charged while the other gains electrons and becomes negatively charged
E.g the laundry from the dryer that sticks together
Materials that gain a positive charge
Dry human skin
Human hair, cat fur
Materials that gain a negative charge
Nickel, copper
Gold, platinum
Materials neutral in nature
Charging by conduction
When a charged conductor makes contact with a neutral conductor there is a transfer of
Electrons are transferred by the rod to the ball leaving them both negatively charged
It is the process where the charged particle is held near an unchanged conductive
material that is grounded on a neutrally charged material. The charge flows between 2
objects and the unchanged conductive material develops a charge with opposite polarity
Charging by induction
When the neutral metal
sphere meets the negatively charged rod, the charges separate and opposite charges attract,
the electrons or negative charged gets removed through grounding it and therefore we are left
with a positively charged metal sphere
Electrical field
The region around the electric charge in which the stress or electric force acts is called
an electric field or electrostatic field
Electric field symbol is E
SI unit of is newton per coulomb (n/c) or volt/meter
If the magnetic field is large then it may create a huge stress around it ‘
Types of electric field
Uniform electric field
When the electric field is constant at every point, it is a uniform
electric field
The constant field is obtained by placing 2 conductors parallel
to each other
Non-uniform electric field
The field which is irregular at every point is called a non-
uniform electric field. The non-uniform field has a different
magnitude and direction.
Properties of electric field lines
Field lines never intersect each other
They are perpendicular to the surface charge
The field is strong when the lines are close together and it is weak when they move
The number of field lines is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge
The electric field line starts from the positive charge to the negative charge
If the charge is single then they start and end at infinity
The curves are continuous in a charge-free region
When the electric and magnetic fields combine they form the electro-magnetic field
Electric charge
It is a property of the particles that make up atoms
Charge is measured in coulombs
Electron charge → -1.6 x 10^-19 C
Proton charge → +1.6 x 10^-19 C