Thermal energy transfers
Main types of heat transfers
Heat is the transfer of energy from objects of different temperatures
As objects warm up or cool down, their kinetic energy changes
It is the process by which heat or energy is directly transmitted through a substance
when there is a difference in temperature between the 2 substances
Conductor - it lets heat and energy transmit through it
Insulator - it doesn't let heat and energy transmit through it
Metals are better conductors as they have a lot of free electrons available
The mode of heat energy transfer that mainly occurs in fluids due to difference in
Convection current
It is the movement of a fluid that carries energy from a warmer to a cooler place
Process of transferring energy by electromagnetic waves
The hotter the object, the higher frequency of radiation emitted
It does not require any medium to transfer energy meaning it can transfer across vacuum
Electromagnetic radiation transfers energy from a hot to a colder region
Characteristics of infrared radiation
It is produced by warm or hot objects and is a form of electromagnetic radiation
Travels through empty space in the form of waves
Travels in straight lines
Warms the object that absorbs it
It is invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected by nerve cells in the skin
Good absorber/bad reflector/best emitter black and matt
Bad absorber/good reflector white and shiny
Factors affecting rate of radiation
Temperature of surface
A hotter surface radiates more energy and emits more radiation than a cooler
surface (directly proportional)
Surface area
Larger radiation is emitted from a larger surface area. Energy is radiated at a
greater rate from a bigger surface area (directly proportional)
Consequences of heat energy transfer
Heat energy travels from a hotter place to a cooler place (high to low temperatures)
Conduction is the only way that heat energy can travel through a solid. Energy travels
through the solids but the particles cannot move.
Convection is the main mode of heat energy transfer in fluids. Warm fluid moves around,
carrying energy with it
Radiation is the only way that the heat energy can travel through vacuum
Home insulation
Loft insulation(roof)
Fiberglass is used and air is trapped inside
This prevents conduction of heat through the roofs
Underfloor insulation (floor)
Using the insulating material and carpets to prevent conduction of heat through the floor
Cavity walls (walls)
Air is trapped between the 2 layers of bricks, this again prevents conduction of heat
energy through the walls
When air is removed and there is vacuum between bricks, it prevents conduction and
Double/triple glazing of windows/thick curtain
It prevents conduction and convection through the windows
Filling in the cavity of walls with foam or rockwool
It prevents conduction and convection through the walls
Vacuum flask
No thermal energy transfer by conduction and convection
Silvered surfaces
Inner silvered surfaces reflect radiation from hot fluids back into the flask. Outer
silvered surface reflects radiation in the external surroundings away from the flask.
Foam plastic support
Reduce thermal energy transfer by conduction
Plastic cap
Reduce thermal energy transfer by conduction, stops convection and evaporation