Thermal properties of matter
Solids closely packed
Liquids loosely packed
Gases very loosely packed, far apart from each other
Brownian motion
It is a random, zig-zag motion of the particles
Smoke in the air, pollen particles dusted into water they move in a random or zig-zag
Conditions for brownian motion
Have to be light particles
Medium in which particles are suspended have to move randomly
How brownian motion occurs
Bits of smoke and pollen grains are little in mass hence they are jostled around by air
When they push the smoke molecules randomly, the motion is called Brownian motion
Internal energy
It is the total kinetic and potential energy of the object
Kinetic energy
Higher temperature results in more kinetic energy, directly proportional
Potential energy
Inter-particle space, greater the distance, the more the potential energy. Less distance,
less energy
The degree of hotness or coldness of an object
S.I unit is Kelvin(K)
Measure of average kinetic energy of the individual particles
More the temperature, higher the internal and kinetic energy
Heat energy
It is the energy transferred from higher temperature to lower temperature object
Temperature and kinetic energy are directly proportional
Pure ice melts at 0 degree celsius
Pure water boils at 100 degree celsius
Temperature scales
Celsius temperature scale
Human creation
Divides the graduations between the freezing and boiling temperatures of water by 100
So water freezes at 0 degree celsius and boils at 100 degree celsius
Fahrenheit temperature scale
Freezing point of water is 32 degree fahrenheit
Boiling point of water is 212 degree fahrenheit
Kelvin temperature scale
100 divisions
Lower fixed point (freezing point of water) = 273K
Upper fixed point (boiling point of water) = 373K’
F = 9/5 C + 32
F = 9/5(K-273) +32
C = 5/9(F-32)
C = K - 273
K = C + 273
K = 5/9 (F -32) + 273
Instrument used to measure the temperature of an object
Clinical thermometer
Range is from 35 to 42 degree celsius
Laboratory thermometer
Range is from -10 to 110 degree celsius
Liquid in glass thermometer
Has a bulb, capillary tube(Bore), and the alcohol and mercury is in the bulb
Put it in melting ice and mark as 1 degree
After marking the fixed points, there are 100 equal graduations that you
Principal liquid expands on heating and contracts on cooling
0 degree is called ICE point and 100 degree is STEAM point
Thermistor thermometer
It has a prove, digital display and a battery
Principal it is a device which becomes a much better electrical
conductor, when temperature rises
This means that the higher current flows from the battery causing
the higher reading on the digital meter
Greater the temp, greater the conductivity hence resistance will
The current doesn’t run out as long as there is a battery
Thermocouple thermometer
It has copper wires, constantan, milli ammeter/ voltmeter/ galvanometer, hot and cold
On the 2 sides of the junctions the same wire has to be there
Difference in temperature between the 2 junctions causes a tiny voltage to form
You can measure this voltage using a milli voltmeter as there is less current
Cold junction is kept inside the meter and is at constant temperature
The hot junction has a probe, the material has to be touched to the probe to measure the
2 different metals are joined at the ends to form 2 junctions. One of them forms the hot
junction, the other forms the cold junction. Difference in temperature causes voltage
which makes current flow. The ammeter, voltmeter and galvanometer are calibrated to
read temperature
Greater difference, results in greater current and this greater reading
It is robust(won't break easily)
They are quick to respond
It has a wide range (-200 and 1100 degree)
It can be linked to other electrical circuits or computers
Factors affecting it
Change in length per unit
rise of temperature
→ narrow diameter; ↑
→ larger bulb; ↑ sensitivity
→ liquid with greater
expansivity; ↑ sensitivity
Uniform expansion of liquid
per unit rise of temperature
→ linear scale: equal distance
between 2 consecutive
graduations on the
thermometer scale
→ use liquid with uniform
How quick the thermometer
responds top change in
→ thinner the bulb; ↑
→ smaller bulb; ↑
Difference between the
highest and lowest reading
on the thermometer scale
→ larger the bore; ↑ range
Thermal expansion
When materials are heated, they expand
This expansion happens because the molecules start to move around(or vibrate) faster,
which causes them to knock into each other and push each other apart
Thermal expansion in states
Solids expands slightly (due to the strong bonds holding the molecules together)
Liquids Expand more than solids (due to the weaker bonds between the molecules)
Gases expand significantly (due to there being no bonds holding the molecules together)
Application of thermal expansion
It is used in thermometers to measure temperatures
A bimetallic strip, consisting of 2 metals that expand at different rates, can be made to
bend at a given temperature, forming a temperature-activated switch
Consequences of thermal expansion
The expansion of solid materials can cause them to buckley if they get too hot
This could include - metal railway tracks, road surfaces and bridges
Things that are prone to buckling usually have a gap built into them providing some room
for them to expand
Thermal expansion in states
When a solid is heated, its atoms vibrate faster about their fixed points. The relative
increase in the size of solids when heated is therefore small.
Metal railway tracks have small gaps so that when the sun heats them, the tracks expand
into these gaps and don’t buckle.
They expand for the same reason, but because the bonds between separate molecules are
usually less tight they expand more than solids.
This is the principle behind liquid-in-glass thermometers. An increase in temperature
results in the expansion of the liquid which means it rises up the glass.
Molecules within gases are further apart and weakly attracted to each other. Heat causes
the molecules to move faster, (heat energy is converted to kinetic energy) which means
that the volume of a gas increases more than the volume of a solid or liquid.
However, gases that are contained in a fixed volume cannot expand - and so increases in
temperature result in increases in pressure
Thermal capacity
It is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of that object by 1
degree celsius
The greater the thermal capacity of an object, the more heat energy it takes to raise its
The thermal capacity is als equal to the amount of heat energy an object will give out when
it cools by 1 degree celsius
Energy(E) Thermal capacity x Temperature(T)
Thermal capacity mass(m) x specific heat capacity(c)
Specific heat capacity
The specific heat capacity of a substance in the amount of thermal energy required to
raise the temperature of 1kg of that substance by 1 degree celsius
It is measured in joules per kilogram per degree celsius (J/kg°C)
Thermal energy and specific heat capacity are directly proportional
Change in (internal)energy = mass x specific heat capacity x change in temperature
ΔE = m x c x ΔT
Specific heat capacity
Heat supplied to substance(divided by)mass x change in temperature
Measuring specific heat capacity
Place the immersion heater into the central hole at the top of
the block of substance
Place the thermometer into the smaller hole and put a couple
of drops of oil into the hole to make sure the thermometer is
surrounded by hot material
Fully insulate the block by wrapping it loosely with cotton
Record the temperature of the block
Connect the heater to the power supply and turn it off after
10 minutes
After 10 minutes, the temperature will still rise even though
the heater has been turned off and then it will begin to cool.
Record the highest temperature that it reaches and calculate
the temperature rise during the experiment
Energy transferred = potential difference x current x time
E = V x I x t
V Voltmeter reading
I Ammeter reading
t time
E = mct
C(specific heat capacity) = E/mt
Control measures
Do not touch when switched on. Position away from the edge of the desk. Allow time to
cool before packing away equipment. Run any burn under cold running water for at least 10
Latent heat
It does not increase the substance's temperature therefore known as latent heat.
The word specific means that it is compared to 1kg of the substance
Unit kJ/kg
Specific latent heat of vaporisation
Amount of heat energy required to change the state of unit mass of substance from liquid
to gas at constant temperature
Specific latent heat of fusion
Amount of heat energy required to change the state of unit mass of substance from solid
to liquid at constant temperature
Energy required = mass x specific latent heat
E = mLv (latent heat of vaporisation)
E = mLf (latent heat of fusion)
Measuring latent heat of fusion of ice
Place an insulated container on a balance and record its mass
Place about 20g of ice at 0° celsius in the container. Record the reading on the balance
Pour about 200g of water into the container. Record the reading on the balance(used to
determine mass of ice and water)
Stir the mixture of ice and water, Put the lid in place. Record the temperature of the
Read the temperature every minute or two. Record the temperature of the water when it
reaches its lowest value (or when it starts to rise)
Calculate the decrease in temperature of the water
Calculate the energy lost by the water. This is the energy gained by the ice as it metals,
and so you can calculate its specific latent heat (s.h.c of water = 4200J/kgC)
If you're measurements are lower of higher than expected
Lower value than expected, heat is absorbed by the environment.
Higher value than expected, heat is given out by the environment.